Heritage Farm Park Dance – Buck Hollow – 8-6-2021
Title: Heritage Farm Park Dance – 8-6-2021
Location: 26411 Harding Rd.
Description: Dance 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Join us for the 39th Annual Organ Concert Series at the Union Sunday School. The October concert will be held on October 27th at 2:30 pm and will feature performer Pablo Gorin. Stick around after the concert and join us for refreshments and goodies at the Clermont Opera House, provided by the Clermont Historical Society….
Title: Music at Montauk – 2-17-19 Location: Montauk Description: Madison Ihde and CJ Heck kicks off 2019 Music at Montauk series Feb. 17 Program sponsored by Clermont Historical Society and State Historical Society of Iowa CLERMONT — Trumpet player Madison Ihde and pianist CJ Heck will play for the first time at the Montauk Historic…
Title: 2019 Union Sunday School Organ Concert – 9-29-19Location: Union Sunday School – 406 Larrabee StreetRandall Harlow & Mariko Morita (563) 423-7173
Title: Heritage Farm Park Dance – Flashback – 1-31-2020 Location: Heritage Farm Park Description: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
History Talk Program at Montauk Historic SiteRich Taylor to present program titled “Your Grampa and Gramma’s Farm” CLERMONT – Montauk turns 150 years old this year and to commemorate we will be having different programs on historical topics throughout the year. Our first program kicks off on June 23rd at 2:00 when Rich Taylor will…