TRRC Agenda 2-7-2023

Exciting news for Bingo this fall! Clermont Community Club is partnering with Bad Tad’s Bar and Grill to host our Bingo nights! Join us for a fun new experience! Bingo will be on November 12th starting at 6:00pm$20 will get you cards for all 17 rounds$5 will get you an extra card for all rounds…
Contact: Hannah Frederick, 563-423-7173, montauk@iowa.govPhotosUnion Sunday School concert performance continues in Clermont June 25Sally and Glen Boie, Ruth Schlatter, and Barb Boie to performCLERMONT – The 1896 Kimball Pipe Organ at the Union Sunday School will again grace anaudience with its beautiful notes for the 43rd annual Union Sunday School Concert Series.Montauk Historic Site, in…