TRRC Agenda – 2-6-2024

Exciting news for Bingo this fall! Clermont Community Club is partnering with Bad Tad’s Bar and Grill to host our Bingo nights! Join us for a fun new experience! Bingo will be on November 12th starting at 6:00pm$20 will get you cards for all 17 rounds$5 will get you an extra card for all rounds…
We are trying something new for Bingo this fall! Bad Tad’s has offered to host our bingo in October!Bingo will be on October 15th starting at 6:00 p.m.$20 will get you cards for all 17 rounds$5 will get you an extra card for all rounds$20 payout for regular rounds$75 payout for blackoutWe will have a…
7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (563) 419-8534