American Red Cross

American Legion Sheehan-Olson Post #375 will be holding a flag disposal ceremony at the Larrabee Building at 6:00 p.m. Anyone wishing to properly dispose of their old flags can bring them to 505 Larrabee Street and place them in the box across from City Hall.
CHAPTER 52 – MOWING OF PROPERTIES52.01 MOWING OF PROPERTIES. Any property within the City of Clermont, whether vacated or non-vacated, is required to be mowed any time the vegetation reaches a height of more than 6 inches in the months of April, May, June, July, August, September and October of each year.52.02 PENALTY. Any property…
I am on the Northeast Iowa Agency on Aging Board. At today’s meeting we were told to share this info with folks: People incurring disaster expenses could call Lifelong Links, the helpline for older Americans in this area. The number is 866 468 7887. This is a useful number for any question regarding services and…
The City of Clermont will be following these recommendations and the playground equipment will be taped off.