Fireworks at Skip A-Way Resort & Campground – 7-3-2021

The Clermont Community Club and West Clermont Lutheran Church invite everyone to come to the City Park from 5-7 for some fun trunk or treating!We will have treat bags for the kids, and hot cocoa for all.Costume judging will be held at 5:30 at the band stand.City-wide Clermont trick or treating will be held during…
Sun. Oct. 4, 11-1, rain date Mon. Oct. 5, 5-7 p.m. Donations – Proceeds fund all activities for Clermont that we sponsor. This is our annual fundraiser. Menu – Choice of Maidrite, cheddar brat, or hot dog, chips, baked beans, bar or cookie, and water. Orders will be taken at your car and brought to…
Title: Heritage Farm Park Dance – Buck Hollow – 11-16-19 Location: Heritage Farm Park Description: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Title: Music at Montauk – 2-17-19 Location: Montauk Description: Madison Ihde and CJ Heck kicks off 2019 Music at Montauk series Feb. 17 Program sponsored by Clermont Historical Society and State Historical Society of Iowa CLERMONT — Trumpet player Madison Ihde and pianist CJ Heck will play for the first time at the Montauk Historic…