Come celebrate our 90 year journey – Donna Story & Bonnie Smola – 12-18-2022

Mark your calendars for our next winter Bingo happening on February 25th! We will have a meal available from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. that will include a baked potato bar, desserts, and a beverage for $5. Bingo will start at 1:00 p.m. and is $10 to play all the rounds. See you at the…
Morning yoga classes: Evening yoga classes: Bobbi Brossard – 507-475-8088
Contact: Hannah Frederick, 563-423-7173, montauk@iowa.govPhotosUnion Sunday School concert performance continues in Clermont June 25Sally and Glen Boie, Ruth Schlatter, and Barb Boie to performCLERMONT – The 1896 Kimball Pipe Organ at the Union Sunday School will again grace anaudience with its beautiful notes for the 43rd annual Union Sunday School Concert Series.Montauk Historic Site, in…