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Union Sunday School Organ Concert – 6-25-2023
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Contact: Hannah Frederick, 563-423-7173, montauk@iowa.govPhotosUnion Sunday School concert performance continues in Clermont June 25Sally and Glen Boie, Ruth Schlatter, and Barb Boie to performCLERMONT – The 1896 Kimball Pipe Organ at the Union Sunday School will again grace anaudience with its beautiful notes for the 43rd annual Union Sunday School Concert Series.Montauk Historic Site, in…
City Council Agenda – 11-15-2021
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CITY OF CLERMONT COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA Date: November 15, 2021 Place: 505 Larrabee Street Room #4 Time: 7:00 p.m. The order of the agenda is at the discretion of the Mayor. 1. Call to Order. a) Pledge of Allegiance 2. Roll Call 3. Approve Agenda 4. Consent Agenda a) November 1, 2021 Minutes b) Disbursements…