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Easter Egg Hunt – 4-19-2025
The Clermont Community Club’s annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Saturday, April 19th in the city park promptly at 9:30am. This event is open to families (& their holiday visitors) from around the area. The hunt will begin promptly at 9:30am, and kids will be separated into 4 age groups (0-3, 4-5, 6-8 &…
Annual Christmas Vespers Service – 12-4-2022
Annual Christmas Vespers Service to be held at the Union Sunday School. Sunday, December 4, 2022 at 4:30 p.m. Olivia White, a vocal soloist, will be singing several Christmas selections. Olivia is a senior from Strawberry Point, IA
Brick City Bingo Night – 11-12-2024
Exciting news for Bingo this fall! Clermont Community Club is partnering with Bad Tad’s Bar and Grill to host our Bingo nights! Join us for a fun new experience! Bingo will be on November 12th starting at 6:00pm$20 will get you cards for all 17 rounds$5 will get you an extra card for all rounds…
Veterans Day Exhibit – 11-9-2024 & 11-10-2024
Join us on Saturday, November 9th from 10-12 or on Sunday, November 10th from 1-3. We will have the Auditorium in the Larrabee Building open to walk through. The Auditorium features uniforms from many Clermont residents who have served. The exhibit will also include transcribed WWI letters of Franz Appelman that were recently donated by…