Candidates for Miss Clermont 2021-2022
On behalf of Clermont Community Club : we are seeking candidates for Miss Clermont 2021-22. Candidate’s must be from the Clermont area and resident of Fayette County. All young ladies between the ages of 16-21 yrs., who are unmarried and have no children are eligible to participate. For guidelines and registration information, please contact. Deborah…
City Council Agenda – 3-22-2021
CITY OF CLERMONT COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA To help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the Mayor/City Council will meet in person. Residents may attend the meeting electronically via Zoom. If you wish to attend the meeting electronically, please call City Hall for the meeting information – 563-423-7295. Date: Monday, March 22, 2021 Place: 505…