Heritage Farm Park Dance – 11-19-2021
Flash Back – 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. – Food available – Heritage Farm Park – 26411 Harding Road
Title: Music at Montauk – 3-17-19Location: MontaukDescription: Music at Montauk concert season continues March 17Vocalist Kristin Eggen and keyboardist Ben Hippen to perform DES MOINES – One of the freshest musical acts to emerge from the Driftless Area of the upper Midwest will make its musical debut at Montauk this month. Vocalist Kristin Eggen…
Title: Heritage Farm Park Dance – 8-6-2021 Location: 26411 Harding Rd. Description: Dance 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.