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Fayette County Transfer Station and Recycling Center Notice
The Fayette County Transfer Station and Recycling Center will resume operations May 1, 2020. The transfer station will be open regular hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am-3:00 pm and the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month from 8:00am-11:00 am. All materials delivered is self-unloading. The recycling bins will begin to be placed in the communities May…
Power Outage Scheduled – 3-5-2021
Alliant Energy called and said there will be an electrical outage for the City of Clermont on Friday, March 5th beginning at 4:00 a.m. They expect the outage to last for about an hour and 30 minutes. If you have any questions, please call Alliant Energy at 800-255-4268.
Candidates for Miss Clermont 2021-2022
On behalf of Clermont Community Club : we are seeking candidates for Miss Clermont 2021-22. Candidate’s must be from the Clermont area and resident of Fayette County. All young ladies between the ages of 16-21 yrs., who are unmarried and have no children are eligible to participate. For guidelines and registration information, please contact. Deborah…
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
RE: LOW INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM –LIHEAP CONTACT: Karen Henry, LIHEAP Coordinator Energy Assistance Office – Administration Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation PHONE: (563) 382-9608 NORTHEAST IOWA COMMUNITY ACTION CORPORATION (NEICAC) FAMILY SERVICE OFFICES STILL TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR LOW-INCOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP) Northeast Iowa Community Action Corporation (NEICAC) Family Service Offices are still…
Accepting Applications for Part-Time Maintenance Assistant
NOTICEThe City of Clermont is accepting applications for an assistant public works maintenance department position. Duties include, but are not limited to: grounds maintenance, snow removal, property maintenance, and other municipal systems operations. The applicant must have a high school diploma or equivalent; speak and write fluent English; have a valid Iowa driver’s license. This…