Heritage Farm Park Dance – Buck Hollow – 4-26-19
Title: Heritage Farm Park Dance – Buck Hollow – 4-26-19
Location: Heritage Farm Park – 26411 Harding Road – Hwy 18
Description: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Classic Tractors NE IA, Inc. Spring Ride June 24thJoin the fun with Classic Tractors 18th Annual Spring Ride touring NE Iowa’s scenic Winneshiek County on Saturday June 24th, with a rain date on Sunday June 25th. This year the ride leaves from Freeport and visits the Winneshiek Wildberry Winery for morning break, parades thru Burr…
The Clermont Community Club and West Clermont Lutheran Church invite everyone to come to the City Park from 5-7 for some fun trunk or treating!We will have treat bags for the kids, and hot cocoa for all.Costume judging will be held at 5:30 at the band stand.City-wide Clermont trick or treating will be held during…
6th Annual Clermont BBQ in the Park on Monday, July 18th with events starting at 4:30pm. Rain Date will be Tues., July 19th.Food will be served starting at 4:30pm and will once again be a free will donation. This year we will be serving hamburgers, pork loin, beans, chips, bars and lemonade.Returning Events: Music (Trevor…