Spot, Stop, & Avoid Fraud – 9-26-2023

When: 10-16-2024 – 6:00 p.m.Where: 400 Mill St, Clermont, IA Join the Clermont Public Library’s monthly book group as we welcome Author Dr. Ed Epperly as he share about his book, Fiend Incarnate: Villisca Axe Murders of 1912.
Montauk concert series continues with pianist Ben Hippen Feb. 18 Decorah native recently completed his third album in New York City CLERMONT – A Decorah native who recently finished recording his third album in New York City will perform at the Montauk Historic Site near Clermont next…
Title: Union Sunday School Concert – 7-28-19 Location: Union Sunday School – 406 Larrabee St. Description: 39th annual Union Sunday School Concert Series kicks off next month Brooke Joyce and Craig Hultgren to perform July 28 CLERMONT – The people of Clermont are in for a treat. The 39th annual Union Sunday School Concert Series…