Heritage Farm Park Dance – Flashback – 7-2-2022
Title: Heritage Farm Park Dance – Flashback – 7-2-2022
Location: Heritage Farm Park
Description: 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Title: Montauk Holiday Open House – Dec. 7-8, 2019 Location: Montauk Description: Celebrate the season during annual Holiday Open House at Montauk Dec. 7-8 Guests can enjoy music, food, beverages, ornaments and tours of the home CLERMONT – Celebrate the season when Gov. William Larrabee’s 1874 Montauk mansion flings back its doors for its annual…
Montauk Historic Site’s annual potluck picnic set for Aug. 18 Party like its 1899!! CLERMONT– Bring some food and enjoy the last vestige of summer during the annual picnic-on-the-lawn at the Montauk Historic Site near Clermont this month. Picnic-goers are encouraged to bring a dish to share, plus table settings and chairs, and can play…